ams360 & AMS360 NextGen frequently asked questions and Tips & Tricks


AMS360 NextGen FAQ



  1. When adding a Sticky Note can you date stamp it so you know when it was created?

  2. How do I quickly export data in AMS data grids to Excel?

  3. How can I see how the information in AMS360 pulls to the ACORD forms?


Certificates of Insurance / Evidence of Property Insurance:

  1. How do I add or change a signature on a certificates of insurance?

  2. Why does signature typed name only show the 1st name and not the full name in the signature area of a certificate of  insurance?

  3. How do I get the signature to appear on an Evidence of Property Insurance?

  4. Why can I not view all Evidence of Property Insurance on the EPI Tab when my View Option Display is set at Master with Holders?


Activity / Suspense:

  1. How can I view all Suspense or Activity on a Claim when I am in the claim?

  2. How can I quickly view all Activity or Suspense for a specific policy?


Company AP:

  1. When I click on the Company AP tab to see payments made to companies/brokers nothing is there.

  2. View Options have been changed but when I click on the Company AP I receive a message indicating I do not have access to Company AP



  1. The company/broker included fees in several installments, not just the 1st installment.  How do I invoice fees in installments?


Policy Data:

  1. The Employers Liability premium on the Workers Compensation line of business is greater than the premium I input.

  2. I deleted Comp/Coll from the automobile Coverages section, clicked Update Vehicle Coverages, but the vehicles still show Comp/Coll coverage.


  1. Why does the Amt of Insurance under the Equipment Floater / Equipment Summary show a different amount than what the Scheduled Equipment shows?


  1. How can I copy just the Acord 125 information to a policy or submission?

  2. Why doesn't the General Liability Premium calculate correctly when I use the Calculate button for Total Premium?

  3. Why doesn't the Property Construction Type print correctly on the eForms applications?

  4. Boiler & Machinery application (Acord 155) does not pull data (limits/premiums etc) from the data grid.  What Application and System Data Entry should be used?


  1. When adding policies to the Umbrella underlying liability policies data grid via the drop down selection, the Parent Co shows under Company not the Writing Company


  1. My Employers Liability Increased Limits do not flow to the Summary of Insurance or some eForms

  2. Why do only 6 "Other States" display on an application when more than 6 are entered in the WC LOB data grid?

  3. The Line of Business or Data Entry I want to add does not show in the drop down list.

  4. How do I input Umbrella/Excess Aggregate Limit so it flows to eForms or Scheduled/Proposals/Summaries of Insurance

  5. Why does the In Business Since data not flow to my renewal policy or a submission?

  6. When I deleted automobile coverage on a Business Auto policy at the Line of Business level and clicked Update Vehicle Coverages it did not update coverages at the vehicle level.


  1. Information from some of the Remarks fields for Inland Marine lines of business are not printing on the eForm applications.

  2. If Any exposure basis shows as ************* in app preview and eForm application


Prior Carrier Information:

  1. Prior carrier information is a mess.  How do I fix it?


Summary of Insurance / Schedules/Proposals:

  1. When generating a Summary of Insurance the GL rates/premiums appear.  How do we generate a Summary of Insurance that does not contain this information?


  1. How can I save the finalized version (with updates) when I create a L-W Commercial Lines Summary via AMS360 Schedules/Proposals?


Policy Change Requests:

  1. I deleted equipment from the IM Contractors Equipment Schedule and when I generated the eForm Policy Change Request it showed that another item was deleted and/or changed but AMS data grid shows correctly.  What went wrong?


Compare Tool:

  1. What is the Compare Tool and how can I use it?


AMS360 NextGen FAQ




  1. Why, when I log into AMS360, does Classic View appear instead of NextGen View?

  2. Why do I receive an AMS360 Error when I open specific customers in NextGen View?

  3. How can I provide AMS with Feedback on NextGen?

  4. Why do I receive the message "Welcome to the Next Generation of AMS360" each time I log in even though I have checked the box "Don't show again"?


  1. How do I add a Sub-Customer to an existing Master Customer?


Home Center:



Customer Search:


  1. Why does my search results show customer name multiple times?

  2. I edited the customer name and the customer page shows the corrected name.  But when search for the customer the search results still shows the misspelled name in the result.



  1. How do I view all activities from one policy from the Policies view screen?

  2. Why, when I log an New Activity from Customer > Policies  Actions / New Activity , is the First Policy in the list automatically selected?  VERSION 7.5 ADDED POLICY VIEW OPTION SETTING ALLOWING USERS TO UNCHECK "SELECT FIRST POLICY"



  1. Why, when I open a suspense and click Launch Center link, does AMS360 launch Classic View not NextGen?


Policy Change Requests:

  1. Why, when I click on the link to view my Policy Change Request, do I receive an error?


Policies screen view:

  1. How do I Collapse/Expand the split pane view on the Customer > Policies screen?

  2. Why can't I see all of my Customer's policies?


Toolbox Functions (bottom of customer screen): 

  1. Why, when I access any function from the Toolbox at the bottom of my customer screen, does the customer name and policy
     information not flow to the screen?


Customer Summary: 

  1. How do I customize the customer summary to include additional information and/or delete some information? 



  1. How can I get the customer name to flow to the Single Tran Export screen when exporting to SEMCAT?




  1. When adding a Sticky Note can you date stamp it so you know when it was created?

  1. How do I quickly export data in AMS data grids to Excel?

Click here for information on Quick Export to Excel

  1. How can I see how the information in AMS360 pulls to the ACORD forms? 

Click here for information on Form Mappingning.html

Certificates of Insurance / Evidence Of Property Insurance:

  1. How do I add or change a signature on a certificates of insurance.?


  1. Why does signature typed name only show the 1st name and not the full name in the signature area of a certificate of insurance?


  1. How do I get the signature to appear on an Evidence of Property Insurance


  1. Why can I not view all Evidence of Property Insurance on the EPI Tab when my View Option Display is set at Master with Holders?




Activity / Suspense:

  1. How can I view all Suspense or Activity on a Claim when I am in the claim?


  1. How can I quickly view all Activity or Suspense for a specific policy? 

Click here for how to quickly view all Activity or Suspense for a specific policy

Company AP:

  1. When I click on the Company AP tab to see payments made to companies/brokers nothing is there.



  1. View Options have been changed but when I click on the Company AP I receive a message indicating I do not have access to Company AP




  1. The company/broker included fees in several installments, not just the 1st installment.  How do I invoice fees in installments?


Policy Data:

  1. The Employers Liability premium on the Workers Compensation line of business is greater than the premium I input.




  1. I deleted Comp/Coll from the automobile Coverages section, clicked Update Vehicle Coverages, but the vehicles still show Comp/Coll coverage.




  1. Why does the Amt of Insurance under the Equipment Floater / Equipment Summary show a different amount than what the Scheduled Equipment shows?




  1. How can I copy just the Acord 125 information to a policy or submission?


Click here for step by step instructions


  1. Why doesn't the General Liability Premium calculate correctly when I use the Calculate button for Total Premium?


**Note:  Agencies have submitted a Product Enhancement Request that the premium be calculated from the schedule of hazards section.


  1. Why doesn't the Property Construction Type print correctly on the eForms applications?


Click here for step by step instructions


  1. Boiler & Machinery application (Acord 155) does not pull data (limits/premiums etc) from the data grid.  What Application and System Data Entry should be used?


AMS support writes:

Currently there is no System Data Entry for Boiler and Machinery but Property can be used. Specialty Data Entry setup can also be used to setup a Specialty Application to get the coverages and remarks to integrate to a Specialty application.  AMS360 doesn't have a "real" system data entry form that integrates the data(coverages, premiums, etc..) to the application 155 for Boiler and Machinery.

PERS #2962 has been created to get Boiler & Machinery to integrate to the application 155.  if you would like this integrated please vote


AMS support suggests 2 options:

  1.  Option 1:





  1.  Option 2:




 You can choose either option.  However, if you use the 1st option and you have an existing property LOB you can copy it and update/change to reflect the Boiler & Machinery Subjects of Insurance.  If you do copy an existing Property LOB you would need to change the LOB to Boiler & Machinery and update the Writing Company if it is different.


  1. When adding policies to the Umbrella underlying liability policies data grid, via the drop down selection, the Parent Co shows under Company not the Writing Company



  1. Employers Liability Increased Limits do not flow to the Summary of Insurance or some eForms


  1. Why do only 6 "Other States" display on an application when more than 6 are entered in the WC LOB data grid?


  1. The Line of Business or Data Entry I want to add does not show in the drop down list.


  1. How do I input Umbrella/Excess Aggregate Limit so it flows to eForms or Scheduled/Proposals/Summaries of Insurance



  1. Why does the In Business Since data not flow to my renewal policy or a submission?




  1. When I deleted automobile coverage on a Business Auto policy at the Line of Business level and clicked Update Vehicle Coverages it did not update coverages at the vehicle level.


AMS360 - Deleted Business Auto line of business coverages, not updating vehicle coverages.

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AMS360 , Client Services



On a Business Auto policy, if you delete a line of business coverage, and then click Update Vehicle Coverages, the deleted coverage doesn't get removed from the vehicles.


Update Vehicle Coverage only works for adding new coverages or changing coverages.

If you want to delete a line of business coverage and remove the coverage from your vehicles, you will need to manually delete the coverage from each vehicle.


  1. Information from some of the Remarks fields for Inland Marine lines of business are not printing on the eForm applications.



  1. If Any exposure basis shows as ************* in app preview and eForm application


Prior Carrier Information:

  1. Prior carrier information is a mess.  How do I fix it?


Click here for step by step instructions

Summary of Insurance / Schedules Proposals:

  1. When generating a Summary of Insurance the GL rates/premiums appear.  How do we generate a Summary of Insurance that does not contain this information?



  1. How can I save the finalized version (with updates) when I create a L-W Commercial Lines Summary via AMS360 Schedules/Proposals?



Policy Change Requests:

  1. I deleted equipment from the IM Contractors Equipment Schedule and when I generated the eForm Policy Change Request it showed that another item was deleted and/or changed but AMS data grid shows correct data.  What went wrong?



Example: User deletes item #73 2007 Roper CNC Bender value $80,000 from the schedule.


Compare Tool:

  1. What is the Compare Tool and how do I use it?

Click here to jump to Compare Tool


AMS360 NextGen:


  1. Why, when I log into AMS360, does Classic View appear instead of NextGen View?


AMS360 7.0 - How to resolve if AMS360 does not retain the last view that you used either Classic or NextGen view on each workstation


Doc ID:


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AMS360 , Internet Explorer , Technical , AMS360 Online , AMS360 in-house


AMS360® should retain the last view that you used (either Classic or NextGen view) on each workstation. For example, if you are using the Classic view in AMS360, and then switch to NextGen view, the last view that you used opens the next time that you log on to AMS360. This issue occurs even if you log on to AMS360 on a different workstation. In this scenario, AMS360 opens in the same view that the previous user used on that workstation.

The only time that the view is retained is if you log out of AMS360. If you close the AMS360 tab, close the Switch the Browser tab, or close the browser by clicking the Close button in the upper-right corner, AMS360 does not retain the view that you were using.

By default, AMS360 opens in the NextGen view.


If you log off of AMS360 by clicking the Sign off button, AMS360 should open in the same view that you used in you last session. 

If you are logging out of AMS360 correctly, but are still experiencing this issue, use the following step to resolve this issue:

  1. Log out of AMS360
  2. Click on Tools and select Compatibility View Setting

You will need to press the ALT key on your keyboard so Tools appears on the upper left-hand corner of your screen

  1. Login to AMS360.  Switch to the NextGen view, and then click the Logout button.
  2. Login AMS360 to verify that AMS360 starts in the NextGen view.

One other setting that may resolve this is to clear your Internet Explorer Cookies.

  1. In Internet Explorer, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options. The Internet Options page appears.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Under Browsing History, select to Delete.
  4. In the Delete Browsing History make sure that you have the following checked.

After this is done, close Internet Explorer and open a new Internet Explorer page before you log on to AMS360

  1. Why do I receive an AMS360 Error when I open specific customers in NextGen View?


Please email Nancy, Dawn, Don & Ian if you receive this error.


  1. How can I provide AMS with Feedback on NextGen?



  1. Why do I receive the message "Welcome to the Next Generation of AMS360" each time I log in even though I have checked the box "Don't show again"?



  1. How do I add a Sub-Customer to an existing Master Customer?

Home Center:

  1. Why can't I see the Message Board and Favorite Links?



Customer Center:

  1. Why does my search results show customer name multiple times?



Classic View Search Results:


NextGen View Search Results:


AMS support recommended we log a Send Feedback" on this issue.  This was done in hopes future versions on NextGen will contain the Match Type column.




  1. I edited the customer name and the customer page shows the corrected name.  But when search for the customer the search results still shows the misspelled name in the result.




  1. How do I view all activities from one policy from the Policies view screen?


You can Sort Columns Ascending or Descending, select only specific columns to view.

You can access the View Activity screen that contains the Refine List Options shown below by clicking on Activity Grouping button under Show: Activities

  1. Why, when I log a New Activity from the Customer Actions sidebar, is the First Policy in the list automatically selected?



Classic View / Policies / View Options screen.

NextGen View / Policies / View Options screen


  1. Why, when I open a suspense and click Launch Center link, does AMS360 launch Classic View not NextGen? 



Policies screen view:

  1. How do it Collapse/Expand the split pane view on the Customer > Policies screen?


  1. Why can't I see all of my Customer's policies in NextGen View?





Policy Change Requests:

  1. Why, when I click on the link to view my Policy Change Request, do I receive an error?




Toolbox Functions (bottom of customer screen): 

  1. Why, when I access any function from the Toolbox at the bottom of my customer screen, does the customer name and policy information not flow to the screen?






Customer Summary:

  1. How do I customize the customer summary to include additional information and/or delete some information? 







  1. How can I get the customer name to flow to the Single Tran Export screen when exporting to SEMCAT?



Or you can simply click on the Export button